
No Caffeine and Still Awake

Ok, so the journal typing is slow-going. I came home from work late (stayed late to make up for the THREE HOURS I was home over lunch waiting for the cable modem dude), and I'm not quite sure what I did with the next three hours. Cooked, tried to take some pics of me and my cat, rearranged some furniture, still more of that to do...have I mentioned I own a lot of CRAP?! Ugh.

I need a good old fashioned fire. If this house hadn't already burned once, and I wasn't a Sag & a Dragon and therefore destined to die by fire anyway, I'd wish that two more times in a mirror and maybe Bloody Mary would come help. Instead, I'll just DRINK a Bloody Mary (well, tomorrow, when I get the garnish!)...and perhaps the more of them I drink, the more stuff I will throw away...until all I'm left with is my furniture and my pets.

Actually, I'm kidding. I'm tired of excessive drinking, thank you State College. I just don't think a Bloody Mary really counts, since it's more of a meal!

So, to recap:

-archiving takes a long ass time (and if I wasn't writing this I could be doing that)
-10 years and 13 apartments later, I own way too much junk
-writers block isn't as bad as too many ideas and not enough direction
-oh, and a new mantra...right Julie? Keep a look out for assholes disguised as nice guys. ;) No no, that's not a good one. I'm kidding, really. I just want to watch out for my karma. I want to be a good person and I want people to be good to me. Is that too much to ask? ;)

I should not be blogging at 1:00 AM. I write things I tend to cringe at my words the next day. Good for laughs, though.


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